Civil, Spl Party police take part in anti-riot drill

Update: 2024-03-20 11:41 IST

Kadapa (ysr distict): In view of the ensuing elections to the State Assembly and Lok Sabha, the district police here on Tuesday have ramped up their efforts in anti-riot drill training to ensure poll preparedness and maintaining law and order.

Under the directive of District SP Siddharth Kaushal, the anti-riot drill training has entered its 11th day, witnessing enthusiastic participation from civil and special party police personnel. Led by AR Additional SP SSSV Krishna Rao, the training aims to equip officers with the necessary skills to handle potential unrest during the electoral process.


Later, the Additional SP interacted with the participating staff, who expressed their appreciation for the initiative spearheaded by the District SP. They said such drills would enhancie their preparedness and confidence to tackle challenging situations effectively.

The training curriculum covers various aspects, including the use of gas shells, gas guns, operation of Vajra vehicles and baton drills. AR DSP Muralidhar, along with other officers and personnel from AR, civil and special party police actively participated in the drill demonstrating their commitment to ensuring a secure and safe environment during the electoral process.



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