AP School Education Dept announces Time Table for Class 10 Pre-Final Exams
The School Education Department of Andhra Pradesh has officially released the timetable for the pre-final examinations for class 10 students for the academic year 2024-25. Set to commence on February 10, these examinations will be conducted daily from 9:30 AM to 12:45 PM.
The detailed schedule for the pre-final examinations is as follows:
February 10: First Language (Group A), First Language Paper 1 (Composite Course)
February 11: Second Language Examination
February 12: English Examination
February 13: First Language Paper 2 (Composite Course), OSSC Main Language Paper 1 (Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian)
February 15: Mathematics Examination
February 17: Physics Examination
February 18: Biology Examination
February 19: OSSC Main Language Paper 2 (Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian), SSC Vocational Course (Theory)
February 20: Social Studies Examination
In addition to the pre-finals, the Education Department has previously announced the schedule for the public examinations, which are set to take place from March 17 to April 1. These public exams will also be held from 9:30 AM to 12:45 PM, with the Physical Science and Biological Science papers scheduled from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM each exam day. The remainder of the subjects will follow the standard timing.
Students and parents are advised to prepare accordingly and stay tuned for any further updates from the Education Department.