Alla Nani commends journalist Mudragada Bharat

Update: 2024-02-24 09:23 IST

Alla Nani praised Mudragada Bharat for his fearless journalism and dedication to bringing important issues to light. The city officials and public representatives acknowledged the importance of having journalists like Bharat who are willing to speak truth to power and hold those in authority accountable.


During the event, Alla Nani commended Bharat for his professionalism and thanked him for his contributions to the community. The City Deputy Mayors and other leaders also expressed their support for Bharat's work and pledged to continue to work together with him to address important issues facing the city.

Overall, the event was a celebration of Mudragada Bharat's journalism and his impact on the community. It was a testament to the importance of independent media in a democratic society and the vital role that journalists play in holding those in power accountable.



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